Are you ready for Expansion?

If you have been guided to my website, believe me, it is no coincidence!
It is synchronicity at its best.

The Universe works in profound and unexpected ways. At the time, we may not always understand, but we trust.


You were meant to find me. You know me and you have now come home.  Welcome! As my future self, my mission is to reconnect you to your remembrance and your original energetic coded blueprint.

All my clients say that the learning, clearing, healing, and activation they receive when we work together is next level and simply life-changing!

With a combination of my unique and sacred codes, plus my powerful Light Language, I will reveal to you who you are, and who you have been. I will assist you in removing your density and energetic blocks. I will activate your codes, templates, and DNA. I will assist you in your journey into Expansion. This will leave you feeling lighter and more deeply connected to your omnipresence, your true sense of self.



You will remember my frequency
deep within the core of you!


ChannelLing from Oracle - AN ASPECT OF MY HIGHER SELF

 To free yourself you must reach the shadows.
To be aligned with yourself.
It is not the courage required to exist in your world,
it is the courage required to exist in ours!


Her recognition of my deepest self has allowed me to remember and reclaim the loving, divine presence I am.

 Finding Tina has been a huge blessing in my life. She possesses the ability to see exactly what a client needs and has been a compassionate guide in helping me release any blockage or limiting pattern present in my life. There’s never been a need to go too much into detail about what I’m facing because she picks up on it effortlessly and communicates fluidly between the energetic and physical planes. I am deeply grateful for the emotional, physical and spiritual healing she has facilitated for me. I continue seeking her counsel and support because she’s one of the few people I’ve met who can see another’s soul so clearly. Her recognition of my deepest self has allowed me to remember and reclaim the loving, divine presence I am. Her work with light language works deeply, moving through any conditioning, trauma, pain and illness still stuck in the mind and body. After a session with her I feel like I have jumped timelines, selves and realities and can move forward from the truth of my heart and soul. She is a gift to this world and to anyone who has the chance to work with her.
